Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cute Pumpkin Card and Video

Here's a cute video to help you get started on your Halloween or Thanksgiving cards. It's short and sweet and explains the Base and Shade stamping technique. Enjoy!

Warm wishes,

Monday, October 17, 2011

New Clearance Sale Items Added

Who doesn't love a good sale? New items have been added to the While Supplies Last section of my website. Bliss My Reflections Paper Packs are now as low as $3 and prices are reduced up to 80% of the retail value. Stop by ASAP before all the goods are gone!

I made this album for Brook this past summer using the Bliss papers to commemorate her baptism in our church. I got the idea from my fabulous upline, Karen Pedersen. You can see the inspiration here. This is such a great and elegant pack filled with neutrals and, like all good things, I am sad to see it pass. It's fantastic for wedding, engagement, anniversary, somber layouts, birthdays, dances and more. Don't let it pass you buy - go here to get yours now! (PS - You can still get it in Studio J, however.)

Warm wishes,

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Sunday, October 16, 2011

{Cherry-O} Valentine Cookies Level 2 Layout

I've had a few prints kicking around my desk for several months, not quite sure what to do with them, but wanting to get them scrapped and DONE. Sometimes I'm really good about 'scrapping my photos' as I take them and think in terms of layouts, sizes and patterns. And... Then there's the rest of the time when I'm lucky to get a single cellphone shot of the event and who knows if it's even in focus?

This was an 'in between' event. More than one picture (with my Canon) but not much thought beyond that. Consequently the layout in my head was nowhere to be found.

While looking through my layouts I kept ignoring Cherry-O for this as I felt I'd used it a lot for 2009 and the baking theme was well done.. Then in typical Trish-fashion, I decided, "Who cares?" It works with sweet cookie-making shots for a reason and why not use it when I like it? Lol!

What clenched the deal for me was some fabulous My Stickease found stashed in the packet like a long lost buried treasure. Way too tempting to pass up an easy Level 2 layout and just the approach I needed to get these great memories off my dust pile, Er..DESK pile and into the scrapbook to be enjoyed. May you enjoy it as well and be inspired to take the easy way some days!

Warm wishes,
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