Wednesday, March 30, 2011

Day four of Marsh Lake

Before we get started, just a reminder to get your Studio J orders in before the end of the month if you are a member so you can get your freebies! Also, the March block party ends tomorrow at 11:59 p.m. Let me know when you want your free My Acrylix block!
One thing I love about the Unitahs is its temper. Take this layout, the picture on the left side is from that morning while Brandon and the kids were out fishing (the very small blob of red on the right shore in the trees.) The picture on the right side was taken a few hours later in the midst of one of the worst rain storms I have ever seen up there! When the storms get fired up, they rip, but it's short-lived in the summer and only last a few hours. I used to hate the rain, but I've come to love it! (And a good thing, because it rains A LOT in the Uintahs!)

The brads on this page were duplicated with the copy and paste option. It's great because you can exactly replicate the spacing and alignment by simply grouping your embellishments (hold the shift button down, then click on each one to be grouped) then click "copy". When you "paste" they will show the same blue line around each one indicating it is still selected. I find it's easiest to orient it first (rotate) before the drag and drop. Then move your mouse over one of the elements then hold and drag where you want it.
All three layouts are pages in which I changed the paper combinations after the initial load. After you choose your paper kit and your layout pattern, it will prompt you with 6 choices of papers and colors. I am not a fan of white space and often prefer to have a dark paper as my base rather than the Colonial White or White Daisy that is suggested in the basic pattern. If you see one you don't like, don't worry! You can always change the paper afterward! In both layout 1 and 2 the Colonial White base was changed to New England Ivy with a click of the mouse! Simply select the paper you want changed and click on the box of colors. It will prompt you with the suggested colors for the kit then below that you can choose from all 60 colors of cardstock. If you want a B&T as in layout 1, you choose paper from the left tool bar and it will give you a selection of the pattern papers available with the kit. It's how I changed the B&T to the distressed Barn Red.

I hope you've enjoyed today's layouts! They have been so much fun to create in Studio J. I'm totally hooked now, and I'm actually getting caught up on my 10-year scrapbooking hiatus! I LOVE IT! You can see the final 3 layouts from our trip on tomorrow's post.

Warm wishes,

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