Tuesday, July 26, 2011

Week In The Life {Monday}

Sunrise Drive

Creatin' calls and takin' names! {work}

Redecorating the room for the **th time.


Now this ought to be funny!

Garden variety

The Zone: Brook didn't even notice the lights go out..

Monster trucks crashing

Mama's helper

AFV: Great Grandma & Brook time.

Something technical.

Summer rain
5:30: Got up (yay me! Earlier today) 5:40 curl hair & dress 6:03 upstairs to pack breakfast/lunch - shake on the run 6:30 drive the truck today (*treat* - can we say decent radio?) 6:37 sad the sun is rising later 6:40 Jason Aldean's Dirt Road Anthem on! 6:42 arrive at work 6:46 finish song and go in 6:50 adjust schedule with supervisor for trainee 6:54 login 6:57 trainee Mar-Sha arrives 7:00 finish shake 7:03 first call of the day! 8:25 Diet Coke! - oh, I forgot the oatmeal.. 8:28 start oatmeal *tacky* ick. (next time don't let it sit so long, but at least I remembered to bring it today!) 9:36 break time! Check Facebook, blogs and Twitter, snack on string cheese and yogurt 9:50 order Bountiful Basket 10:02 start DOR's - taken one civil, overdose and many admins so far *lookin good!* 11:40 Break! Scuttlebutt from Tam. PB&J lunch, string cheese and yogurt 12:37 domestic ip, another overdose and talk about me taking our first suicidal caller *first day jitters* 13:02 dragging this round a bit.. 13:35 tty caller! Woo hoo! 13:47 a really long civil call.. 13:56 Break! oops, run 28 for Crystal 13:58 Break! Check facebook and twitter, update posts. Chat with Shannon a second. 14:08 Logged in *countdown* 14:42 go over DORs - made excellent progress for day 1 14:57 Amy relieves us 15:03 clock out *hit the door running* 15:05 update my documentation for #weekinthelife - more Jason Aldean! 15:09 10-17 home 15:32 Home 15:36 snack? #refridgeratorraid settle on whole wheat toast 15:41 chat with Brandon 16:08 start laptop knowing I won't sit down for 10 min... 16:15 blogging *chasing Garrett* 16:30 Steve & Liz arrive #grandma's 17:03 time to start dinner, up we go! 17:26 ready to cook #lovefrynight 17:42 nag kids to set table 17:50 dinner's on 18:36 clear dishes 19:00 downstairs with Garrett, Brook and Aidan have scattered 19:14 Wii/DS 19:27 blogging, facebook and twitter updates, planning layouts for #weekinthelife 20:06 upstairs to get Garrett milk *countdown* lol 20:20 bedtime for Turbo *little early* 21:36 Aidan in bed 21:38 ask Brook to clean up for bed 22:50 finally she goes to bed *sigh* 23:00 get ready for bed 23:30 lights out *finally*.

Warm wishes,


  1. Wow! Your day sounds about as hectic as mine. And we added CTMH consulting to our huge long list of to-do's! Are we crazy? Hehe.

    I am enjoying your Week in the Life series. Might just have to do that myself. (Psst. I'm a fan of Jason Aldean, too.)

    My children are 5 and 3 and I struggle with them at bedtime to get them to stay there. My 5yo has recently invented about 10 excuses for getting back out of bed each night.

    Just an FYI, and I will probably post this to my blog, too...got my Cricut yesterday! Yay! Thanks for sharing your Monday story. :) *Hugs*

  2. I'm exhausted from just reading this! Hang in there!!!!


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