Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blog Award

Ann gave me this beautiful blog award and to accept it, here are the questions that I must answer to accept the award:
Q1) Name your favorite color? Purple
Q2) Name your favorite song? Dirt Road Anthem by Jason Aldean
Q3) Name your favorite dessert? Really? You know I'm pregnant, right? Lol, Bestest ever is Cheesecake!
Q4) What annoys you at the moment?  Drama. Especially from an 8 year old.
Q5) Your favorite pet?  Raynie, bless her heart! She was our family dog for 10 great years and we still miss her!
Q6) Black or White?  Depends. White canvas, Black clothes.
 Q7) Your biggest fear?  The future of this nation.
Q8) Best Feature?  I try to see both sides.
Q9) Everyday attitude?  Mostly negative. (I'm working on this.)
Q10) What is perfection? Heaven.
Q11) Guilty Pleasure?  Reading.
Q12) When you're upset you?   Clean.

I'm passing this award on to :
Nicole  In addition to being a great Studio J artist, she also has some fabulous portrait photography!
Diana  This is her challenge blog but she has a few others. I always fiind a new project to stretch my creativity with when I stop here.
Jayma This lady struts her stuff in many different mediums. She's got talent in spades!

Please stop by their blogs and leave a comment or two. These are 3 very lovely ladies who inspire me and are often at the top of my reading list.

Warm wishes,

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