Wednesday, January 4, 2012

Let's Start With Halloween

Happy New Year! Ok, so this is a little out of season... I created this layout a while ago for my Stamp Camp and it's been sitting naked since. I just didn't have the right number of Halloween photos to use. Admittedly, these are not the most technically correct photos I've ever taken, either. The blur that resulted from the wrong setting on my camera, made for some super spooky creepies! I also started with the Sweet Leaf and Silhoutete to begin with, thinking Silhouette was perfect for a webby wayout, er.. layout.

This past week, I saw a challenge on the Heart to Heart blog with a color challenge involving Pear, Sunset and Gypsy. I knew this was a perfect layout to modify so I could pursue that! Sadly, I couldn't quite get the Gypsy to fit with what was already there since I had absolutely NO gypsy embellishements.. Hmm. So here is what I came up with. The spider is courtesy of Aidan, by the way. Let me know what you think and leave me some love!

Warm wishes,

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  1. Aidan's spider is very cute! When I first spotted your layout in thumbnail view, I thought the paper under the title was pleated or embossed...didn't know it was just a cool patterned paper. Love the title and that photo under the title is uber adorable. You did a beautiful job with this layout. :)


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