Saturday, December 31, 2011

Happy New Year and a Christmas Layout {Studio J}

It's the end of another year. We had many great memories together and I hope to have inspired you at least once during that time. With year's end comes a moment of reflection and and a list of "I will.." resolutions for the new year.
Some Great Moments
Two blog awards!
Week In The Life 2011
Ann Lessner wining my first blog candy contest.
Magic Layouts
April Fool's Day {Colt}
Countdown to Valentine's Day

Welcoming A New Year
I'm including January's Constant Campaign info today as I'll be out of the office on Sunday the first for New Year's. There's a lot a fun coming up in 2012 with brand new classes and stunning artwork! Start signing up for classes as space will go quickly. Whether you're a beginner or an expert, there's something for everyone. Mark your calendars now and sign up today!

Play Dates
This month make three layouts from Wonderland. With your Basic Kit you get enough supplies to complete 3 layouts and you get to take home an exclusive C-size stamp set to keep!
Wonderland Kit (G1031)
Retail value: $33.78 / You Pay: $29.95
Wonderland Level 2 Paper Packet (X7146B)
White Daisy Cardstock Sheets
My Acrylix® Wonderland Workshop Stamp Set (C-size)
Clear Sparkles (Z1104)
Foundry® Pin Clips (Z1612)
Instructional Brochure

Rock the Block
When you place a minimum order of $25 from the Autumn/Winter 2011 Idea Book, you can get two valuable new products for just $15: the My Creations® Collage Cubes (a Spring/Summer 2012 sneak-peek product!) and the exclusive My Acrylix® Rock the Block E-size stamp set (available only during this promotion). This Rock the Block promotion represents a retail savings of almost $30! You're going to love the collage cubes and the Rock the Block stamp set, which work together for interactive, fashionable fun!
Dates: Offer valid December 19, 2011–January 31, 2012.
Perfect 10
January is free layout month for Studio J® members! For every 9 custom-printed Studio J layouts you buy, you’ll receive the 10th layout free. To receive the discount, just add 10 or more layouts to your cart. You’ll see a discount reflected in your order total. And you can totally take advantage of this promotion by ordering in multiples of 10. Buy 9, get 1 free. Buy 18, get 2 free. Buy 27, get 3 free. And so on! If you’re not a member yet, now’s a great time to join!
Dates: Offer valid January 1, 2012–January 31, 2012.
Stamp of the Month (SOTM)
Get the stamp of the month for just $5 when you order $50 in products during the month! This month is for all of your little reminders and it's great for Save The Dates!

Spring/Summer 2012 Idea Book is live for customers on the first and it is SPECTACULAR. You can see it online at or you can get one in your hands by calling me TODAY!!

Countdown to Valentine's Day
Here on the blog we'll be counting down the days until Valentine's Day with a fun project every day. Whether cards, layouts or gifts for your sweetheart, this is the place to be to get some GREAT ideas!

I can't wait to see you in the new year! Reserve your spot today and have a Happy New Year!

Warm wishes,

Thursday, December 29, 2011

A Very Merry Christmas {Studio J Layouts}

Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas this past Sunday! I've been going through my photos and organizing 2011 after uploading my shots of the Christmas festivities in preparation for the final backup and cleanse before 2012 starts. I take an awful lot of photos and it's worse now that I have a digital camera! I love being able to scrapbook them easily and quickly and actually enjoying them rather than just filing them never to be seen again in the lost recesses of my hard drive.

(And I don't feel bad about scrapping them all now!) This layout reminded me of a great post on the Studio J Blog called Remembering Favorite Holiday Traditions. Going to see the lights on Temple Square is one of the highlights of our holiday season and I love scrapbooking these photos afterwards. It's one more way to relive the great feeling you have when you were enjoying the activities in the first place.

You can learn more about Studio J online scrapbooking here. PS - Don't forget to place your order by this Saturday, December 31st at 11:59pm to take full advantage of your membership bennies!

 Warm wishes,

Friday, December 23, 2011

Merry Christmas {Family Pictures}

It's been a pretty crazy year so far! I still don't have a printer so no one got the Family Letter this year in their Christmas card. I'm a slacker. I own it. But just so you don't feel left out, here it is, along with our newest family picture, courtesy of my Dad. It was quite a production to get everyone on the bed and for Brandon to even be involved (he still has the bruises from Brook's bony knees to prove it!) but I think it turned out alright!
The kids had a great time decorating the Christmas tree this year and since I couldn't get us all together, they got to star in the Christmas cards this year! I don't know how professional photographers get such great kid shots.. they must have WAY more time and patience than I do!

I just had to add this photo I took of my sister's family this fall. They are so cute and we had such a great visit while they were in town! We tried all the traditional posing and set up but that just doesn't work for this group! I love how this turned out for them. It's fun and it clearly shows what a great relationship they all have. Can't wait for their new little girl to arrive this spring!
2011 Morton Family Letter
Merry Christmas! We had a pretty great year in 2011 and even managed a few camping trips to Fish Lake, UT this summer and fall. We are truly grateful for the many blessings we received this year and for the experiences in which the lessons were learned.

We welcomed a new addition to our family (see Trish's and Colt's sections below) in November. Brandon and Trish thought their family was just right, but Heavenly Father had other plans for us! We think He must have decided it was now or never, so.. we got now! As a result, we realigned a few of our plans and it has been a great experience for us. We are so happy to have Colt with us. We couldn't have asked for a better Christmas present than this little angel.
We have enjoyed living in South Jordan again this year and the children enjoy a special relationship with their Great Grandma few are blessed to have. Each has learned service to others in helping Great Grandma out and in being companions for her (sometimes a little too much company..) Grandma is a great help to our family and we are fortunate to have her with us this holiday season.

Brandon has enjoyed outfitting the Trailblazer for offroading this past year and then of course, trying it out in between running our household like a well-oiled machine. He was able to take it to Fish Lake this summer and up over Hi-Top and to Crater Lake on some pretty mean trails. In addition he has been documenting his progress with photos (see, scrapbooking is for everyone!) and was excited to have one of his photos featured in the 2012 calendar. (Trailvoy is a website for Trailblazer and Envoy offroading enthusiasts.) He was able to finally go coyote hunting this past fall with his best friend, Drew - a trip two years in the making. He continues to hone his mad skillz as a marksman and all of the kids enjoy it when Dad takes them out.

Trisha will celebrate 12 years this January at VECC as a 911 Fire Dispatcher, a job as enjoyable as it is demanding. She continues to enjoy her Close To My Heart scrapbooking business and was able to take some time off from classes this past summer and fall as her pregnancy with Colt progressed. Who can be disappointed in a job you love with flexible hours? The pregnancy was a crazy surprise this spring and we celebrated by breaking the news on April Fool's Day. It was great hearing the different reactions of our "joke" on us. The summer was long and the hottest on record she can ever recall and was a completely new experience as the other pregnancies were on a schedule like clockwork from late Summer to Spring where this one was completely opposite. The surgery went well but recovery was slower and she needed some oxygen for the first two days due to a reaction to pain medicine. She also enjoys a calling at church as a Visiting Teaching Supervisor and has loved getting to know the other ladies in the neighborhood she serves.

Brook has loved being in the third grade this year and has really enjoyed learning cursive and keyboarding. She continues to love drawing and all things art as well as starting to listen to her own music, relishing her own space (no boys allowed) and has started to like reading (yes!) Being the only princess is tough sometimes, but she manages. Despite being the resident royalty, Mom finally consented to cutting her hair (like, OFF-take a deep breath, Mom) in order to appease Brook's tomboy tendencies (and make Dad's mornings easier). She really hoped Colt would be a girl, but alas, she must suffer alone and has decided to keep him and is a great help! Her best neighbor friend moved away this fall and she hopes some girl, her age move in soon.

Aidan started kindergarten this year after a great time in Miss Crystal's Preschool. He still loves learning and has found two great friends in the neighborhood from his class. He loves being in the big kids' school with his sister and has begun reading. His favorite game at night (second to Mario Kart) is to pick out the sight words from the scrolling ticker while Dad and Mom watch the news. He also has made a self-appointed study in debate this year. We're hoping he takes this in a constructive direction and may some day make a great lawyer.

Garrett has had a great year to grow and develop from the baby into a toddler. We can't believe how much he is talking now from a year ago and how fast he picks up new concepts. He is so curious and adventurous and is never afraid to try anything new. It doesn't hurt that he has some great footsteps to follow in and he loves copying his older brother and sister. In fact, he's recently taken up chemistry and started a few experiments of his own. We all learned some great new ways to work in these exacting environments and I'm sure they will be the basis for many a funny story in the future (far, far in the future.)

Colt is our newest addition and he has been a true joy for everyone. He came into our world on November the 10th a day early (due to everyone and their dog booking 11.11.11 as their delivery date two seconds before we tried) at over 9 lbs with a full head of dark hair and will be starting school next week after his first haircut. Okay, maybe he's not that big yet. Due to being born by cesarean section, he had a little fluid in his lungs that needed to be suctioned and took another day to adjust to breathing without oxygen. This is normal for c-section babies and he is now doing great with no lasting effects. And it certainly hasn't slowed him down. His two week checkup showed he had gained all of his birth weight back and was up another 8 oz on top of that and was in the 98th percentile for height.

We hope your holiday season is just as merry and bright and we are blessed to count you among family and friends.

Warm wishes,
The Morton Family

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Rock the Block! Starts Monday at 9am

When you place a minimum order of $25 from the Autumn/Winter 2011 Idea Book, you can get two valuable new products for just $15: the My Creations® Collage Cubes (a Spring/Summer 2012 sneak-peek product!) and the exclusive My Acrylix® Rock the Block E-size stamp set (available only during this promotion). This Rock the Block promotion represents a retail savings of almost $30! You're going to love the collage cubes and the Rock the Block stamp set, which work together for interactive, fashionable fun!

I can't wait to get my hands on this little item! You can too by going to my website to order or calling, texting or emailing me today!

Warm wishes,

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Remembering Favorite Traditions

Have you ever scrapbooked a favorite recipe? Check out this inspiring layout on the Studio J blog.

Studio J blog | Remembering Favorite Holiday Traditions

Warm wishes,
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Holiday Tags and Morton Update {Welcome Colt}

As you can see we've been a little busy around here! This past month and a half we celebrated Halloween, welcomed our new little one, counted our blessings and then decked the halls. Phew! Here's a quick recap of our family but first, let me share this great video on how to make your own decorative tags for great gift-giving that makes a splash!

Happy Halloween
We had some pals come trick or treat with us this year. Uncle Drew and Whitney brought Brayden (aka: Thor) over to reign terror over the streets of South Jordan with us. We couldn't believe how much candy the kids collected this time! The dentist is gonna LOVE this bunch!

Snow Monsters
Our first good snow of the season called for suiting up. Brook and Aidan had a great time making tracks all over the backyard and even fit in a few Monste... er, Angels.

A Welcome Addition
Our house welcomed our new little brother into the world in November. Colt Glenn arrived a day early by cesarean and weighed in at 9 lbs and 11 ozs. He had a hard time adjusting at first due to his size and the c-section and spent some time in the nursery with an IV line until his blood sugar stabillized. When he was born he had a little bit of fluid in his lungs and had started to grunt while breathing, indicating labored breathing normally, so as a precaution they kept him on oxygen for a couple of days. Turns out he just likes to grunt like the other kids did. Completely amazed the doctors. We're glad they took the precautions anyway!

Smile, you're on Aidan's Candid Camera, Mom!

Roast Beast
This year we stayed home for Thanksgiving and had the whole Morton family over. It was great having everyone together again and Mom always puts on a good spread!

This was a new experiment for me this year. I've dabbled a little bit with freezing produce but really have wanted to learn how to do this and to be more self-reliant. We have a great little garden started and I'd love to be able to put some of our harvest up for a later date.

Last week I tried applesauce for the first time. After a few mishaps and some trials and more errors, I finally got something worth giving! The kids passed it off as a keeper and I gotta say, it feels great knowing that my 7 hours, 2 broken nails and bad temper really was worth seeing those jars on the shelf!

Deck the Halls
Wasn't sure about this adventure this year with a new baby and a 2.5yo Turbo-powered kid running around! Turns out the older two were more, eh.. acrobatic than Garrett. They put every ornament I had on the poor tree and half way through we lost the bottom rung of lights. *Sigh* Mom's fancy trees are a thing of the past for some time to come, it seems, but it turned out pretty nice and they had a great time!

It's been great being off work for the past month. I don't want to go back! I can't say it's been a vacation.. cuz it hasn't. But I've loved spending time with each of my children and my husband and the great way we have come together to work at making our home a great environment for our family. I'm really going to miss that as I move back to the hustle and bustle. Hopefully we can keep a little bit of that in our daily lives. But one thing I am looking forward to... going into the gas station again instead of paying at the pump because I have a car full of kids I don't want to get out of their seats!

Warm wishes,

Saturday, October 29, 2011

Glenn Beck and Studio J with {Fanfare}

One of the layouts I finished last month in Studio J features an elightening speaking engagement my husband attended this past year. He was able to tag along with his father and brother when the ladies bowed out and enjoyed the day's many speakers and topics. I wasn't able to attend, but I was glad to document this moment for him.

Check out the fun stitching on this layout to help tie in the My Stickease Letters. These circle patterns are available as an embelishment in Studio J and are super easy! For more fun stitching, check out this layout featuring stars! Studio J is so fast it sometimes feels like cheating, but NO WAY we're missing out on memories because they're still sitting in the box.

Warm wishes,

Saturday, October 22, 2011

Cute Pumpkin Card and Video

Here's a cute video to help you get started on your Halloween or Thanksgiving cards. It's short and sweet and explains the Base and Shade stamping technique. Enjoy!

Warm wishes,

Monday, October 17, 2011

New Clearance Sale Items Added

Who doesn't love a good sale? New items have been added to the While Supplies Last section of my website. Bliss My Reflections Paper Packs are now as low as $3 and prices are reduced up to 80% of the retail value. Stop by ASAP before all the goods are gone!

I made this album for Brook this past summer using the Bliss papers to commemorate her baptism in our church. I got the idea from my fabulous upline, Karen Pedersen. You can see the inspiration here. This is such a great and elegant pack filled with neutrals and, like all good things, I am sad to see it pass. It's fantastic for wedding, engagement, anniversary, somber layouts, birthdays, dances and more. Don't let it pass you buy - go here to get yours now! (PS - You can still get it in Studio J, however.)

Warm wishes,

Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Sunday, October 16, 2011

{Cherry-O} Valentine Cookies Level 2 Layout

I've had a few prints kicking around my desk for several months, not quite sure what to do with them, but wanting to get them scrapped and DONE. Sometimes I'm really good about 'scrapping my photos' as I take them and think in terms of layouts, sizes and patterns. And... Then there's the rest of the time when I'm lucky to get a single cellphone shot of the event and who knows if it's even in focus?

This was an 'in between' event. More than one picture (with my Canon) but not much thought beyond that. Consequently the layout in my head was nowhere to be found.

While looking through my layouts I kept ignoring Cherry-O for this as I felt I'd used it a lot for 2009 and the baking theme was well done.. Then in typical Trish-fashion, I decided, "Who cares?" It works with sweet cookie-making shots for a reason and why not use it when I like it? Lol!

What clenched the deal for me was some fabulous My Stickease found stashed in the packet like a long lost buried treasure. Way too tempting to pass up an easy Level 2 layout and just the approach I needed to get these great memories off my dust pile, Er..DESK pile and into the scrapbook to be enjoyed. May you enjoy it as well and be inspired to take the easy way some days!

Warm wishes,
Published with Blogger-droid v1.6.6

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Fall Hooligans Studio J Layout

This layout just cracks me up. My boys get pretty creative with their free time. Sometimes you want to know and..sometimes you don't. This was one of those times where pictures just showed up on the camera as I was going through and downloading them to archive and set up for scrapbooking. (With children who love to play photographer, this happens quite a bit to me.)

Apparently the youngest had made quite a mess out of his breakfast cereal as he is want to do on occasion. Rather than get upset at the mess, Dad decided to get even! He brought out the Dust Buster to zip it in a snippet! This was in the middle of the summer, but this paper with it's cute monsters and mayhem seemed appropriate to document these Hooligans!

All digital, this layout whipped up in a jiffy with Studio J. To learn more, contact me today!

Warm wishes,

Tuesday, October 11, 2011

New Studio J Layouts

I just got back several Studio J orders and wanted to share what I've been up to. I really love this online software! With being pregnant our budget has been a little tighter as we prepare for our new baby boy this fall. As a member I get 50% off my printed projects, free sheet protectors and free shipping. It's cheaper than bying a paper pack! I haven't had a lot of time to spend in the craft room and Studio J is fast and fun! I've really been able to catch up on my scrapbooking by using the website, especially since I switched to a digital camera several years ago. No wondering if you've got the right size enlargement for your page, just drag and drop as you can see in the Grandma's Garden layout.
Enlargments are no worries with no extra expenses at the print shop, or preplanning your order to get the right photo in the right size. Plus, if I change my mind, I can just drag it to another sized photo well and drop it in! Grandma's Garden took me about 20 minutes to complete. I wanted a fun title for it, so I spent some time adjusting the size of the My Stickease and the layering to get the look I wanted, but the embelishments I used are just the ones suggested (every layout has this option for super quick scrappin'!)
When my sister became pregnant with her first child, I wanted to preserve the memories for her with our family as they live far away and we aren't able to visit often. She knew she was having a baby boy and wanted a rodeo theme for the nursery. I was in luck for the scrapbook with Sarsaparilla. This paper pack retired a few years ago and I've run out of it, but with Studio J, I can use it again and again! Didn't buy the My Stickease? No problem! Studio J has both sheets available to use as many as you want. And if you love one of the images and want to use it over and over again.. you can! No need to purchase a full package to repeat an image, just drag and drop!

If you're interested in learning more about Studio J, contact me today to set up a free consultation. We'll play with the software and even build a layout or two and there's no obligation to buy. It's okay - have fun with it!

Warm wishes,

Sunday, October 9, 2011

Blog Award

Ann gave me this beautiful blog award and to accept it, here are the questions that I must answer to accept the award:
Q1) Name your favorite color? Purple
Q2) Name your favorite song? Dirt Road Anthem by Jason Aldean
Q3) Name your favorite dessert? Really? You know I'm pregnant, right? Lol, Bestest ever is Cheesecake!
Q4) What annoys you at the moment?  Drama. Especially from an 8 year old.
Q5) Your favorite pet?  Raynie, bless her heart! She was our family dog for 10 great years and we still miss her!
Q6) Black or White?  Depends. White canvas, Black clothes.
 Q7) Your biggest fear?  The future of this nation.
Q8) Best Feature?  I try to see both sides.
Q9) Everyday attitude?  Mostly negative. (I'm working on this.)
Q10) What is perfection? Heaven.
Q11) Guilty Pleasure?  Reading.
Q12) When you're upset you?   Clean.

I'm passing this award on to :
Nicole  In addition to being a great Studio J artist, she also has some fabulous portrait photography!
Diana  This is her challenge blog but she has a few others. I always fiind a new project to stretch my creativity with when I stop here.
Jayma This lady struts her stuff in many different mediums. She's got talent in spades!

Please stop by their blogs and leave a comment or two. These are 3 very lovely ladies who inspire me and are often at the top of my reading list.

Warm wishes,

Saturday, October 8, 2011

October Special and Stamp of the Month

Hello Ladies! Thanks to all of you who have stayed loyal followers the past month and a half. I have had a hard time getting anything crafty done as I progressed to my eighth month of pregnancy. My energy suddenly disappeared and the toll of working twelve hour shifts at work seems to have set in. I was just uploading my photos from my camera and the results are telling.. no photos in September!

This is my most favorite time of the year, however, and the specials at Close To My Heart are no drawback! This month we have a new fabulous Stamp of the Month and a FREE Add-On for new Consultants! Check out the deets below!

1. Add-On for FREE!: If you have ever considered becoming a Close To My Heart Consultant like me, this is sure a great month to take the plunge! The price of the New Consultant Kit is $99 (plus shipping and tax). We also offer three wonderful "Add-On" kits that range in value from $80-$130. During October 2011 only, when you sign up to be a consultant and purchase the $99 New Consultant Kit, you get to pick one of the Add-Ons absolutely FREE! To sign up, click here. It's so easy and with the click of the mouse you can be on your way to a new and rewarding career! If you have any questions, I'm just a quick call or email away. I am also here to train you, motivate you, inspire you, and do everything I can to help you be successful!

Here is what you get in the New Consultant Kit ($99 for a value of over $280!):

Here are the three Add-Ons you can choose from for FREE during October when you sign up to be a Close To My Heart Consultant:

Roxie Add-On Collection (over $80 value, FREE in October):

Elemental Add-On Collection (over $80 value, FREE in October):

Studio J Add-On Collection (over $130 value, FREE in October):

2. October Stamp of the Month: I am really excited to see this set. The Autumn/Winter Idea Book is my favorite because I love the colors and warmth of the fall season and all the family holidays as we move into Winter and Christmas. The fun stamp-kissed effect will help make you Christmas cards POP this year!

You can purchase this set for only $5 with a $50 order (before shipping and tax) or for it's full price of $17.95. If you pay full price, the order # is S1110. If you earn it for $5, you will be prompted to add it to your order before you check out. You can start shopping here.

Warm wishes,

Thursday, September 1, 2011

September Close To My Heart Specials & Stamp of the Month

Welcome to cooler weather and the start of fall! This is my favorite time of the month and I love the colors and ideas in the Autumn/Winter Idea Book the best! Speaking of great ideas, Close To My Heart has a another round of fabulous deals this month!

1. Did you know that September is National Stamping Month? To celebrate, Close To My Heart is offering their very first DOUBLE stamp set that you can earn for FREE this month. You get two D-size stamp sets together in the same envelope during the month of September when you spend $75! "Pair-a-Phrase" is full of fun designs and sentiments for almost any occasion. You wont want to miss adding this to your collection!

This is a card made by Karen Pedersen using this set. See, sentiment + picture together to make = AWESOME!

2. September Stamp of the Month: This is one of those sets that everyone needs to have because it works for EVERYTHING! It's called Limited Edition, and yet the possibilities are ENDLESS!

You can purchase this set during the month of September only in one of two ways: 

  • Spend $50 (before shipping and tax) and get it for only $5
  • Purchase it for $17.95 

Ordering Helps:
  • To order either or both of these stamp sets, just go to my website and click on Shop Online. 
  • If your order totals $50 (before shipping and tax), you will qualify for the Stamp of the Month at $5. If your order totals $75, you qualify for the Pair-a-Phrase stamp set FREE and the Limited Edition stamp set for $5. You'll be prompted to add them before you finish your order. 
  • If you just want to purchase the Stamp of the Month at full price, you can type "Stamp of the Month" in the quick search box on the left side of the shopping page and it will come up and you can click "add to cart".
  • There is a link on the side of my blog to view the current Autumn/Winter Idea Book if you want to go shopping!
Warm wishes,

Wednesday, August 31, 2011

Week In The Life {Completed Album}

Thanks for hanging in there while I finished up my Week In The Life project (designed by Ali Edwards, you can read about it here.) I ended up deciding to forego the extra pictures. There were a few that I really liked, which I may add into a divided photo sleeve later, but for now I decided if I wasn't going to scrapbook them, I didn't need to print them.

I completed this in Studio J, Close To My Heart's Online Scrapbooking Software which made it super easy to complete several layouts in the same style and papers to keep the album uniform. And it ended up being WAY cheaper than a traditional scrapbook!

The journalling came from my blog mostly which made it easy to cut and paste into the digital pages and I love that it all coordinates! This first page is meant to split as the title and end page of the album, with the daily layouts in between.

Words + Photos

How It All Started
I saw a link from Ali Edwards' blog on her project Week In The Life. She also does a large photographic essay called Project Life, where she documents things every week in photos and in words. This seemed a little bit overwhelming for me, but I thought the week might be something to try. So I researched her blog like crazy and looked at other peoples' creations and decided to give it a try. I thought this would be a fun exercise to get me brainstorming in the craft room as I have felt lacking in motivation for a while now.

I started out as Ali did, just by documenting for the first week. Take your camera everywhere and a notepad and pen to write down your thoughts. Some people found Facebook and Twitter to be helpful in documenting. I really liked the free downloads that Ali herself provided. 

Week In The Life {Monday}
Week In The Life {Tuesday}
Week In The Life {Wednesday}
Week In The Life {Thursday}
Week In The Life {Friday}
Week In The Life {Saturday}
Week In The Life {Sunday}

Week In The Life {Completed Album}

I had a lot of fun doing this project and hope to do it more often as a great way to document our family lives in such a detail-oriented way. The magical and the mundane should both be spotlighted for us all to enjoy!

Warm wishes,